Feature film company located near Seattle, WA.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

May Update

Not a whole lot to update. The latest draft that I expected in mid April is a bit delayed (suprise suprise) but what I've seen of it so far I really like. In reality I should probably be patient and wait until their is a complete draft before I read anything but I am an impatient person. So Grant has to deal with me calling and emailing every could days..."got anything to send over, got anything to send over?" he says he likes that I'm a pest and it keeps him motivated but maybe he is just saying that to be nice.

Garrett is in the middle of editing THE SPY AND THE SPARROW. I haven't seen anything from it yet but hopefully will soon. Excited to see how it looks. So glad he was able to get Eric Roberts cast in it, latest I read is that Mr. Roberts will be in the next BATMAN. I hope we'll continue to see more of him in the near future.
