Feature film company located near Seattle, WA.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


So yeah we pretty much got record rain fall. Good times. Garrett and have both stayed high and dry for the most part but it has been an interesting couple of days.

Monday, November 26, 2007


Garrett was in Arizona last week or the week before actually for a pr-screening of THE SPY & THE SPARROW. Screening was in front of a packed house and went really well. The audience responded in all the right places at all the right times.

Plus he said it was nice to get away from our wonderful WA weather...cheers to that.


Thursday, November 1, 2007


Wow its November already. How the time flies. Comic is 90% done and soon will be up for viewing. I'll post where it can be viewed shortly. More to come...soon.


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Comic Book - Page 1

This is page 1 of the comic. A number of other pages are complete but this is all I will post here for now. A link for the completed comic will be forthcoming in the next month or so.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Comic Book Cover

Here is the cover of the comic book we are putting together that I mentioned before. It is slated to be 10 to 12 pages long. It probably will not be posted in its entirety here but I'll at least have a link to where ever it is.


Sunday, September 2, 2007


We are having a mini comic created to help flesh out and explain the extensive story for the script DIRT. We met with the artist this past week and he is getting started on it right away. Excited to see what he comes up with.

Garrett is also working hard on the rewrite of the script. Pace starting to quicken a bit.

Saturday, August 11, 2007


Optioned the script REBORN.

Logline: As a young man discovers the secret of his mysterious and controversial birth, he questions his past, present, his relationships, his ability to choose, to love, and even his possibly eminent death.

That is all I'm posting for now but I'll have the synopsis and perhaps a few pages posted shortly.

SPY Edit moved to LA

The drives containing the film have been picked up and taken to LA for final edit. Liza was up this last week and got the drives and drove them down. The film is looking great, hopefully will have some sort of teaser/trailer up for it soon.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

May Update

Not a whole lot to update. The latest draft that I expected in mid April is a bit delayed (suprise suprise) but what I've seen of it so far I really like. In reality I should probably be patient and wait until their is a complete draft before I read anything but I am an impatient person. So Grant has to deal with me calling and emailing every could days..."got anything to send over, got anything to send over?" he says he likes that I'm a pest and it keeps him motivated but maybe he is just saying that to be nice.

Garrett is in the middle of editing THE SPY AND THE SPARROW. I haven't seen anything from it yet but hopefully will soon. Excited to see how it looks. So glad he was able to get Eric Roberts cast in it, latest I read is that Mr. Roberts will be in the next BATMAN. I hope we'll continue to see more of him in the near future.


Sunday, April 1, 2007

thought on trees....

when is the best time to plant a tree?

20 years ago.

second best time?


April Update

This is the official first entry of the blog for Hat Factory Studios, the Seattle based film production company run by Garrett Bennett and Quinn Rudee.

Current update. Garrett just finished filming THE SPY AND THE SPARROW a feature film shot entirely in Seattle. SPARROW starred Eric Roberts, David Rasche and Elizabeth Rohm. It is currently being edited in Seattle.

The next feature currently entitled DIRT is in stage two (second draft) of the script. Draft two should be complete mid April. We are looking to start production of DIRT mid summer.